It is interesting to delve into a world in which we simply hover and flow in space where there is no time. In another dimension in which what IS is sufficient and overflowing. In which everything is energy in dynamic movement. On a journey or in moments, it is when wandering that a mark of freedom and lightness is left. In a universe where forms are reduced, light emerges between patches of color, highlighting its brightness in an area of contrasts. This fluidity takes us. Alternately, between stagnant moments, there is an urgent gesture that gives life with the necessary force, creating movement. In moments of expansion, the gesture gives of itself spontaneously. The paint flows according to its own consistency, creating diverse areas, where chance gives subtle nuances. The paint itself, in its different thicknesses, plays into this balance, which is not the inner world that each person carries with them.
Performance 2009 - Manifesto do Amor
19th December 2009 Building Tourism - Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
I offer a service where clients can commission me to create something new. You can choose dimensions, colours and other references. The process begins with a 50% deposit upfront. Once I receive this, I will start working on the piece. The remaining 50% will be due once the work is complete.
Worldwide shipping.
Born in the north of Portugal and lives near Lisbon. Graduated in Fine Arts in Portugal, she attended the Erasmus Program at the Hogeschool voor Wetenshap & Kunst – Sint Lucas Gent, in Belgium. She has a Postgraduate Degree in Special Education and a Master's Degree in Teaching Visual Arts.
- 2023, 14 august to 30 september "Fluindo no Gesto" Galeria Municipal do Montijo.
- 2013, 8 a 30 Novembro “Gestualidade” no Zazou Bazar & Café, Lisbon.
- 2010, 2 a 15 Agosto no IPJ Viana do Castelo.
- 2010, 2 a 22 Julho na Galeria Bar After Eight, Caminha.
- 2004, 18 Outubro a 15 Novembro “Fluidez” na Delegação do Instituto Português Juventude, V.C.
- 2003, 1 a 15 de Novembro “Matéria” na Delegação do Instituto Português da Juventude, V.C.
Collective exhibitions
- 2023 "100 Artistas Gondomar"
- 2023 Open Day ADÃO - Associação Desenvolvimento Artes e Ofícios, Barreiro.
- 2023 FOZ'ARTE, Foz do Douro.
- 2023, Festival ARTIS, Seia.
- 2023, Prémio Mário Silva, Figueira da Foz.
- 2023, BIALE Bienal Internacional do Alentejo.
- 2010, 3 a 5 Dezembro II MIRAGENS Norte de Portugal – Galiza, Pousada da Juventude, V.C.
- 2010, 15 a 31 Março Exposição Concurso Mertolarte 2010, Mértola.
- 2007, Dezembro / 2008, Janeiro Mascararte 2007 III Bienal da Máscara, Centro Cultural de Bragança.
- 2006, 12 a 27 de Outubro Exposição de finalistas da Esad, Caldas da Rainha.
- 2000, Julho “Os Percursores” na Galeria Amigos do Mar, Viana do Castelo.
- 1999, 23 de Outubro “Os Percursores” no Museu do Traje, Viana do Castelo.
- 1998, 4 a 20 de Setembro “Soarte” no Arquivo Distrital de Viana do Castelo.