It is interesting to delve into a world in which we simply hover and flow in space where there is no time. In another dimension in which what IS is sufficient and overflowing. In which everything is energy in dynamic movement. On a journey or in moments, it is when wandering that a mark of freedom and lightness is left. In a universe where forms are reduced, light emerges between patches of color, highlighting its brightness in an area of contrasts. This fluidity takes us. Alternately, between stagnant moments, there is an urgent gesture that gives life with the necessary force, creating movement. In moments of expansion, the gesture gives of itself spontaneously. The paint flows according to its own consistency, creating diverse areas, where chance gives subtle nuances. The paint itself, in its different thicknesses, plays into this balance, which is not the inner world that each person carries with them.


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Fluiu, 2023 Acrílico s/tela 102x156cm


“Cá dentro, lá longe” 2023 Acrílico s/tela 162x107 cm

“Cá dentro, lá longe”

A obra remete-nos para o indizível, ora para o som abafado do espaço intergaláctico, ora para o lado mais visceral das coisas. A fluidez, essa, leva-nos. Alternadamente, entre momentos estanques, urge o gesto que com a força necessária dá a vida, criando um movimento emergente. Tal como um mapa emocional, um misto de caos na corda bamba da coerência. Por isso, é que a fluidez nos leva, acalma. A própria tinta, nas suas diferentes espessuras joga neste equilíbrio, que mais não é o mundo interior que cada um leva consigo.

Ponte Vasco da Gama, 2023 Acrílico s/tela 80x100cm


Montijo 2023 Acrílico s/tela 80x120cm